Muslims around the world start to prepare sunnah and practise of Eid ul Adha as the holy month of Dhul Hijjah approaches, the festival of sacrifice. For you, this is a time to renew your faith in Allah and follow in the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim. Eid ul Adha commemorates the devotion and obedience of Prophet Ibrahim when Allah commanded him to sacrifice his son Ismail. Although Allah replaced Ismail with a lamb at the last moment, Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice what he held most dear proved his devotion.
During Eid ul Adha, you have the opportunity to strengthen your faith through prayer, charity, and sacrifice. By learning about the traditions of this holy day and following the sunnah of the Prophet, you can emerge from Eid ul Adha with a deeper understanding of Islam and a revived dedication to Allah. This Eid ul Adha, embrace the legacy of faith and submission exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim.
Table of Contents
The Significance of Eid Ul Adha
Eid Ul Adha commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s devotion and submission to Allah. On this day, Muslims worldwide honor the legacy of faith established by Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail.
The significance of Eid Ul Adha lies in the following:
- It honors the obedience and sacrifice exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail. When Allah commanded Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail, they both submitted without question. Though Allah replaced Ismail with a lamb at the last moment, Prophet Ibrahim’s devotion is remembered.
- It strengthens the bonds of community. Eid Ul Adha is a time for Muslims to come together, pray, exchange gifts, and share meals. Families distribute meat from the sacrificed animals to relatives, friends, and the poor.
- It commemorates an important rite of passage. For many Muslims, Eid Ul Adha signifies a young person’s coming of age when they make their first sacrifice. The meat from the sacrifice is then distributed, symbolizing the youth’s new responsibilities.
- It revives core Islamic values. Eid Ul Adha embodies values such as sacrifice, charity, devotion, and community. By honoring the prophets’ submission to Allah, Muslims aim to revive these values in themselves.
Eid Ul Adha is a pivotal festival that commemorates the legacy of faith and sacrifice passed down from Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail. By honoring this tradition, Muslims worldwide come together to strengthen faith, community, and Islamic values.
The Virtues of the Day of Arafah
The day of Arafah during Eid ul Adha is one of the most virtuous days of the year in Islam. On this day, pilgrims assemble on the plains of Arafah and ask Allah for forgiveness and mercy. For those not performing Hajj, observing a fast on Arafah carries tremendous rewards.
- According to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), fasting on the day of Arafah expiates the sins of the previous and upcoming year.
- It is recommended for Muslims to fast on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah (the day of Arafah) if they are not performing Hajj.
- Spending time remembering Allah (dhikr) and reciting the Quran is also recommended.
Supplicating to Allah on this meaningful day results in du’as being answered and sins forgiven. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “The best du’a is the du’a of Arafah.” Pilgrims assemble at the plains of Arafah, humbly imploring Allah for mercy and forgiveness. Emulating the pilgrims by fasting and engaging in dhikr connects Muslims around the world on this impactful day.
With its immense virtues and rewards, the day of Arafah is an opportunity for spiritual renewal. Fasting, spending time with the Quran, and making heartfelt du’as helps revive faith and strengthen one’s connection with Allah. By following the sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) and reflecting on the profound lessons of Hajj, Muslims can gain a deeper understanding of submission to Allah on this blessed day.
Performing the Eid Prayer
The Eid prayer is a highly recommended sunnah of Eid ul Adha. On the day of Eid, Muslims gather in large congregations to offer the Eid prayer.
The Eid prayer consists of two rak’ahs (units) and it is recommended to perform it in an open space like a field. You should make wudu (ablution) before heading to the prayer ground. When you reach there, straighten your rows and stand shoulder to shoulder with the other worshippers.
- Listen carefully to the imam and follow his movements. Make the intention to offer the Eid prayer for the sake of Allah.
- Raise your hands to your ears and say ‘Allahu Akbar’ when the imam does to start the prayer.
- Fold your hands over your chest and recite the opening supplication.
- Say ‘Ameen’ loudly after the imam recites the Fatiha and a surah.
- Bow down, then prostrate and sit as in a normal prayer.
- In the second rak’ah, the imam will recite the takbir (Allahu Akbar) seven times after the qiyam (standing). Raise your hands and say ‘Allahu Akbar’ each time the imam does.
- After the prayer, the imam will deliver two sermons where he reminds the believers about the importance of sacrifice.
Eid ul Adha commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s devotion and submission to Allah. All these sunnah and practise of Eid ul Adha shows our connection to Allah.
Doing Takbeerat of Eid
The Takbeerat of Eid
An important sunnah and practise of Eid ul Adha is the Takbeerat of Eid, the chanting of
“Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallahu, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Wa lillahil hamd”
(Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is no god but Allah. Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. And all praise is for Allah)
after every fardh salah from the Fajr prayer on the day of Eid ul Adha until the Asr prayer on the 13th of Dhul Hijjah.
Why this sunnah and practise of Eid ul Adha is essential:
- It is recommended for men, women and children to recite the Takbeerat loudly while going to the Eid prayer, in the markets and in the streets. This helps create an atmosphere of celebration and joy on this blessed day. It revives the sunnah and practise of Eid ul Adha.
- Reciting the Takbeerat excessively, especially after the obligatory prayers, is an emphasized sunnah according to the Hadith. It was something the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) practiced fervently.
- Though there are multiple wordings of the Takbeerat in the Sunnah, the most common and preferred one is: “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallahu, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Wa lillahil hamd”. This formula should be recited loudly and repeatedly by individuals and collectively as a group.
By reviving this important sunnah and practise of Eid ul adha, Muslims follow in the footsteps of the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions. The Takbeerat fills the day of Eid with the remembrance of Allah and expresses gratitude for His immense blessings and favors upon the believers. It is a sunnah all Muslims should practice and pass on to future generations.
Slaughtering Udhiyah (Qurbani)
Eid ul Adha is the religious event and that’s why the most important festival for Muslims. From all over the world, Muslims follow the sunnah and practise of Eid Ul Adha. this event is not to fulfill personal desires but it is celebrated in the remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim, this is a reason that Muslims with zeal and zest, must following the sunnah and practise of Eid Ul Adha they consider it mandatory to celebrate.
The Importance of Udhiyah (Qurbani)
Udhiyah, or Qurbani, refers to the sacrifice of an animal in the name of Allah during Eid ul Adha. It is a highly recommended sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim and commemorates his willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail for the sake of Allah. By offering udhiyah, you follow in the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim and revive the legacy of faith and submission to Allah.
Conditions for a Valid Udhiyah
For your udhiyah to be valid, the animal must meet certain requirements, that’s why it is necessary to keep in mind the sunnah and practise of Eid Ul Adha on this special occassion.
- It must be a camel, cattle, goat, or sheep.
- It must be at least one year old.
- It must be free from defects that affect its quality as a sacrifice.
- Horns can not be broken.
- You must own the animal or have permission from the owner to sacrifice it.
- You must sacrifice the animal yourself or appoint someone else to do it on your behalf.
How to Perform Udhiyah
there are some special sunnah and practise of Eid Ul Adha to perform on this day:
- Make the intention to offer udhiyah solely for the sake of Allah.
- Gently restrain the animal and face it towards the Qiblah. Recite “Bismillah, Allahu Akbar” and slit the throat swiftly with a sharp knife.
- Allow the animal to bleed out while reciting tasbih, tahlil, and takbir.
- Skin, gut, and divide the meat into three equal parts: one for your own family, one for relatives and friends, and one for the poor and needy.
- Distribute the meat to those in need before Eid prayers. Make sure to also consume some of the meat yourself and with your family.
By following these points of udhiyah, you express gratitude to Allah, show compassion to those in need, and strengthen the ties of kinship and community. Udhiyah is truly a noble act that brings you immense reward and blessings.
Sunnah acts of Eid ul Adha
Observing Eid ul Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, is one of the acts of Sunnah and practise of Eid Ul Adha we must uphold.
Performing Eid Salah
On the day of Eid ul Adha, it is recommended for Muslims to perform the Eid salah (prayer) in congregation. Eid salah consists of two rak’ahs (units) and is performed differently from the daily prayers. Some key where do you buy hgh sunnahs of the Eid salah include:
- Wearing your best and cleanest clothes in honor of the special occasion.
- Performing ghusl (ritual bath) before going to the Eid prayer.
- Eating something sweet like dates before leaving for the Eid salah.
- Walking to the prayer ground if possible instead of driving.
- Reciting the takbirat loudly while going to and returning from the prayer ground.
Sacrificing an Animal
Sacrificing an animal like a goat, sheep, or camel is one of the most important sunnah acts of Eid ul Adha. The meat from the sacrificed animal should be divided into three parts: one part for yourself and your family, one part for relatives and friends, and one part for the poor and needy. The sacrifice commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail for the sake of Allah.
Visiting Friends and Family
Eid ul Adha is a time for community and togetherness. It is recommended to visit friends, family, and neighbors to spread the joy of this blessed occasion. It is also a sunnah and practise of Eid ul Adha to share your time and sacrifice with close needy relatives. Exchange greetings, share meals together, give gifts, and strengthen your bonds of kinship and brotherhood. Visiting and embracing one another are acts that reflect the spirit of sacrifice integral to Eid ul Adha.
Eid ul Adha revives the legacy of faith, sacrifice and submission to Allah established by our noble prophets Ibrahim and Ismail (peace be upon them). By following the sunnah and practise of Eid Ul Adha of this blessed day, we renew our own commitment to the deen of Islam.
As you celebrate Eid ul Adha, take time to reflect on the profound lessons and timeless values this festival represents. The sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail signifies the pinnacle of faith, devotion and submission to the will of Allah. Their unquestioning obedience and willingness to sacrifice what was most precious to them serves as an eternal reminder of the love and reverence one must have for the Almighty.
These Sunnah and practise of Eid ul Adha revives this powerful legacy and calls upon you to strengthen your connection with Allah through sincere worship and sacrifice.