Best Quran Academy

Best Quran Academy


Learning Quran for beginners can be a daunting task for anyone. With its intricate rules, complex vocabulary, and unfamiliar script, the Quran can seem overwhelming and unattainable.

However, with the right strategy and guidance, it can be much easier than you think. With this guide to learning the Quran for beginners, we’ll break down the basics into 10 easy lessons that will make it easier to understand and memorize.

With our step-by-step instructions and helpful tips, you’ll be able to understand and master the core teachings of the Quran for beginners in no time. So if you’re ready to take on this challenge and learn something new about your faith, let’s get started!

Quran for beginners

Learn the Arabic Alphabet to Read the Quran

The first and most important step in Quran for beginners is mastering the Arabic alphabet. Given that the Quran is wholly written in Arabic, it’s essential to know the fundamentals of the language in order to fully understand and appreciate it.

Fortunately, learning how to read Arabic is a straightforward process that can take as little as 10 lessons. Here’s a breakdown of what each one will cover:

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to the alphabet, pronunciation and writing
  • Lesson 2: Learning letters with similar shapes
  • Lesson 3: Writing exercises for letter recognition
  • Lesson 4: Expanding vocabulary with words beginning with same letters
  • Lesson 5: Short vowels (Harakat)
  • Lesson 6: Assimilation (Ikhtisar) of letters
  • Lesson 7: Long vowels (Maddat)
  • Lesson 8: Combining words into sentences
  • Lesson 9: Diphthongs (Huroof Mu’allaqah)
  • Lesson 10: Review of all concepts covered

By dedicating yourself to these lessons and committing yourself to practicing often, you’ll soon find yourself armed with enough knowledge and confidence to begin reading from the Quran itself.

Focus on Pronunciation and Recitation

The Quran is a sacred text, but it can also be an intimidating one. To learn Quran for beginners, its important to focus on pronunciation and recitation.

The Arabic language is essential in understanding and interpreting the Quran correctly. And while mastering the Arabic alphabet may take some time, there are several tools available to help beginners learn the proper pronunciation of words—from apps to online recordings.

Saturn Space’s Learn Quranic Arabic program is a great way to get started if you want to develop your own skills. It covers the basics of grammar, reading and recitation, and provides an introduction to understanding tajweed (the set of rules for reciting the Quran).

When it comes to understanding Quranic Arabic, reciting the text aloud is key. Not only will it help you get used to hearing the language as well as become familiar with its pronunciation, but it will also improve your comprehension and retention of the material. And even though memorizing large portions of scripture may seem daunting at first, it can become easier with practice and repetition.

Understand the Meaning of What You’re Reading

Reading the Quran for beginners can be difficult if you don’t understand the meaning behind each of the verses. To truly benefit from what you’re reading, it’s important to understand the context and meaning of each ayat (verse).

Understanding the Quran goes beyond simply memorizing the words – it’s about understanding and applying what you learn. Fortunately, there are a few simple techniques of Quran for beginners which can be used to get a better handle on what they’re reading:

  1. Learn about the background of each surah (chapter). Understanding when and why a surah was revealed can help provide context for what you’re reading.
  2. Research key words and phrases in each ayat. Knowing the literal definition of a word or phrase can help deepen your understanding of its metaphorical layers.
  3. Read commentaries on verses and learn how different interpretations have shaped different cultures and communities over time.

By following these steps, learning Quran for beginners will not only be able to gain an understanding of what’s being said in the Quran, but also how it applies to your everyday life. With some effort and dedication, learning can become an enjoyable part of your daily routine!

Start With Short Surahs and Work Your Way Up

Who says learning the Quran for beginners has to be hard? Starting with shorter surahs is a great way to build child’s confidence and familiarity with the content and structure of the text. Rather than tackling a long, intimidating surah, breaking it up into smaller pieces will help you to familiarize yourself with the language without getting overwhelmed.

Once you have a good grasp of shorter verses, you can move onto longer surahs. As you progress through each surah, try to learn the basics of Arabic grammar. This will allow you to better understand the nuances in each verse and deepen your understanding of the text.

Here are some tips for learning short surahs:

  1. Break down each verse into individual parts and try to recite it without looking at the text.
  2. Listen to audio recordings so that you can get a feel for how each verse sounds when it is properly recited.
  3. Memorize prayers that incorporate short surahs and use them regularly in your prayers so that you become more comfortable with them over time.
  4. Pay close attention to context when studying short surahs, as this will help you understand their relevance in larger passages or stories from the Quran.

Use Translations and Tafsir to Comprehend the Quran

The Quran is complex and nuanced, with layers of meanings that can be truly understood only through guided study. As a beginner, the easiest way to understand the Quran is to learn from its translations and interpretation (tafsir) by scholars.

Traditionally, the study of tafsir centers around al-Tafsir al-Muyassar, a type of simplified tafsir that uses fewer words to convey its meaning. This form of tafsir can help Quran for beginners to quickly grasp the basics of Islamic teaching as found in the Quran.

Here are some tips for making use of translations and tafsirs:

  1. Start with translations – The first step in studying the Quran is to get familiar with its contents. Start by reading a translation and pay close attention to key words or phrases which are repeated throughout the text. This will give you an idea of the main themes covered in each surah.
  2. Research other translations – Once you’ve read one translation, try exploring others that offer different points of view or interpretations. Compare and contrast what you read to gain a deeper understanding of certain concepts and verses in the Quran.
  3. Consult commentaries – Once you’ve read multiple translations, refer to commentaries which go into more detail about specific points or issues in each surah. By reading multiple interpretations, you’ll be able to better comprehend what’s being said in a particular passage, as well as gain insight into its implications for daily living today.

Practice Daily and Set Achievable Goals

Learning the Quran can seem like an intimidating prospect, but with proper guidance and consistent practice, learning Quran for beginners can become proficient in its sacred language, Arabic. To make the most of your child’s journey, set achievable goals that you can meet over time. This will help keep you motivated and on track as you progress in your studies.

A few tips to get started:

  • Start small and increase gradually. Begin by focusing on learning one chapter at a time and then move onto more challenging ones as you progress.
  • Establish a regular routine that works for you, whether it’s reading for fifteen minutes every day or two hours once a week; find what works best for you and stick to it!
  • Utilize a variety of tools to help you learn such as study guides, audio recordings and online resources.

By taking these steps to practice regularly, set achievable goals and using the right tools, learning the Quran for beginners will become more enjoyable and rewarding over time!

Best Quran Academy

Finding the right Quran academy can make all the difference in mastering the Quran. When it comes to learning the Quran for beginners, there are many academies online and offline that offer courses for beginners.

The best academies are those with experienced teachers and a structured curriculum designed for learners of all ages, specially Quran for beginners. Look for academies that offer courses with:

  • A beginner’s course designed to help you understand the basics of Quran reading, memorization, and understanding;
  • Flexible schedules with virtual classes and one-on-one sessions;
  • Mentoring opportunities throughout your journey;
  • A vibrant community of students to help you reach your goals faster;
  • Comprehensive assessments at each level so you can track your progress along the way.

These features will set you on the path to mastering the basics of learning Quran in a way that suits your busy lifestyle. With a little effort, determination and guidance from the best academy, you can become a proficient reader of the Quran in no time.


Learning the Quran for beginners can seem daunting, but with the right approach it can be done. With 10 easy lessons, you can have a strong foundation in the basics of the Quran, and begin to understand the sacred text better. Put some dedicated time into each lesson and practice the principles on a daily basis, and you will be able to help yourself build an intimate connection with the words of Allah.

By starting with a solid foundation, you can ensure that knowledge of the Quran continues to grow, allowing you to think deeper, explore further and, eventually, master the Quran. So get ready and start your journey through these 10 easy lessons and become a master of the Quran.